Generate this curve within matlab using the following commands
fo = 4; %frequency of the sine wave
Fs = 100; %sampling rate
Ts = 1/Fs; %sampling time interval
t = 0:Ts:1-Ts; %sampling period
n = length(t); %number of samples
y = 2*sin(2*pi*fo*t); %the sine curve
%plot the cosine curve in the time domain
sinePlot = figure;
xlabel('time (seconds)')
title('Sample Sine Wave')
Matlab’s FFT Command
So now that we know what to expect, let’s use MATLAB’s built in fft command to try to recreate the frequency spectrum:
%plot the frequency spectrum using the MATLAB fft command
matlabFFT = figure; %create a new figure
YfreqDomain = fft(y); %take the fft of our sin wave, y(t)
stem(abs(YfreqDomain)); %use abs command to get the magnitude
%similary, we would use angle command to get the phase plot!
%we'll discuss phase in another post though!
xlabel('Sample Number')
title('Using the Matlab fft command')
The x-axis gives us no information on the frequency.
The amplitude is all the way up to 100
The spectrum is not centered around zero
A Custom Function for fft to Obtain only the Positive Frequencies
function [X,freq]=positiveFFT(x,Fs)
N=length(x); %get the number of points
k=0:N-1; %create a vector from 0 to N-1
T=N/Fs; %get the frequency interval
freq=k/T; %create the frequency range
X=fft(x)/N; % normalize the data
%only want the first half of the FFT, since it is redundant
cutOff = ceil(N/2);
%take only the first half of the spectrum
X = X(1:cutOff);
freq = freq(1:cutOff);